I spent a decent portion of my youth in airports, starting as a fetus, en route to Ah-meh-reeeeka. They used to have a certain flair of adventure and excitement for me. Either we were going somewhere cool or meeting a relative with presents and tales to tell.

Nowadays they make you take off your shoes, jam a rubber glove up your a** and give you the once over as you come in... Especially if your skin-tone is like mine. Either way, SK Waller, the Incurable Insomniac, still thinks it's a great place to hang and people watch. I, for one beg to differ. It's a horrible place to meet chicks. Firstly, they always seem to be going in the opposite direction as you. Also, my wife always seems to be with me. Oh well. Pay her a visit on the tarmac. Just don't taxi too much on her runway.
Nowadays they make you take off your shoes, jam a rubber glove up your a** and give you the once over as you come in...
Kinda like coming to dinner at my place.
Oh lord you would have to stand out side on the sidewalk to watch people at LAX
Dude airports rock. Well maybe not buffalo airport. Been there, done that, got the postcard. They are such exciting places though.. a place of such intruige and mystery deserves a second chance. Just leave the wifey at home. Lol totally just kidding.
ugh! i got the stripping with rubber gloves too often... and now i have twin i'mtiweredlets to drag about.
airports kill me. the only good thing being that at some point someone will read out my name to tell me it's time to leave the £150 sunglasses alone and get on a plane and outathere.
airports to me bring excitement and sadness... ive been to see off so many friends who've gone on trips around the world... but i've also been there to welcome them back...
actually i tell them im making sure they leave - and when they return - i was making sure they wouldnt be let back into Adelaide...
the only time i've flown *that i can actually remember* was about 2 months ago... first flight, my cousin had died, i didnt know whether to put on a brave face or not, get on the plane - window seat - NEXT TO THE ENGINES - then i look around - almost everyone on the plane i knew, and my cousin's sister was on so we got to sit next to each other...
thats my story and im going to stick with it...
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