Usually the "snow day" routine is to wake up at 5 am on a snowy morning in February, turn on the news, wipe the rice krispies out of the corner of your eyes in hopes of seeing your school on the news.
Most of the time we get just a teasin':
That usually gets a resounding "Faaaaaaaaaaahkkkk!"
The school district actually called us last night and gave us the heads up, though. We got to sleep in here at the Prego household. That is until the in-laws called us up at 7am and the Fletchmonster woke up. Oh well... At least I get back to back "three day weekends."
Ordinarily we brush off a two foot snowfall without batting an eye, but since the trees still had most of their leaves on them branches were snappin' off all around town. In the process, cars were damaged, power lines were yanked and the morning drive was made quite treacherous.
Here's a few snapshots of my neighborhood this morning. I'll start off with a picture of an ominous Red Cross billboard that's been up for a couple weeks:

Something tells me this f*cker didn't go to work either:
A couple of barflies presumably walked home:
So much for a cozy sidewalk cafè table at Le Metro Bistro & Bakery:
This branch spanned our street, thus cutting off traffic.
I like this f*cker's appropriately emblazoned sweatshirt.
Elmwood Avenue is usually bustling at 9 am.
Here's one of the Prego family sh*twagons:
And some unfortunate soul's ride:
And here's your hero bringing home some emergency supplies from the local gas station.
Stay warm, pinches.
Michele sent me, Prego.
I used to live up by Lake Placid and went to college to the East of you nearr Rochester, Prego. I remember snow like that. But I don't feel any nostalgia about it. LOL
Great pictures to see from a distance, Prego. Stay warm!
Utenzi did spread the word about your pics so I came over. Can't wait for our ski vacation over Xmas, we don't get any snow here in Barcelona, Spain and if we do, it is like just a tiny bit. Nice pics! Think snow, I want to go skiing!! :)
We rarely get much snow in the UK, certainly nowhere near as much as you lot get. It's a pity, because I love snow!
Here from Michele's :) Have a good weekend and enjoy that snow!
I'm like, where the heck do you live? That snow is insane! I live in northern ontario and we don't even have snow yet, although I think the permafrost from last year is still hard.
wow, you really got hit hard. Is Ellicottville getting ready to open for the season? We got only 8 inches in Michigan.
Wow! That is fantastic. I guess I should stop b*tching about 44 degree weather. It is funny around here. We will get pounded by snow but it will all melt the next day. If the snow even slightly covers the is out. Thank goodness that we can't drive in that sh*t.
I love the photo of the town street with the aluminum-grey sky... it's like a giant tephlon cookie sheet. Amazing. Great shot.
Thanks for visiting earlier (made me snicker).
Here from Michele's.
This made me cold.
Definately never get snow in South Australia. Good thing Im cold blooded. Here via Michele's today, Prego.
Congrats on your snow day! A surprise day away from the kidderoos is always a good one. We don't have snow days, but I wish we did! ;)
Wow I am so glad I live in Florida. I am not big on snow. Here from Michele's
Wow - it just seems so early to have snow like that. With autumnal leaves still on the trees too!
What happened to El Nino and the warm and mild winter we're going to have?
Have fun with the kiddos.
i'm stting here shivering. its nowhere near snow weather here yet either. but i'm still refusing to put the bloomin ridiculously expensive heating on so we'll be in layers and legwarmers till november unless it snows here too.
you did just make me colder though and begin considering...
glad you got some time off though. and the kids love it so i guess you're having a blast.
Dreaming of a White Halloween is hilarious. Just make sure your kids don't get stranded in the snow while trick or treating.
As for the pictures... wow. I think it's global warming that's keeping Lake Erie unfrozen longer and dumping the usual 2-4 ft of snow you seem to have gotten repeatedly over the last few years although in this case it's only October!
In Detroit, we got our earliest recorded snowfall ever, a hefty 0.2 inches. It did look like winter for a few minutes.
My goodness! Great pics, especially for this African that never sees snow
Holy smokes! I guess I shouldn't tell you it was 80+ degress here today. Something about snow it October is just wrong. :)
Michele sent me. Have a great weekend.
Hey Prego! This is WILD! I'm SOOOOO not ready for cold weather. Can't even imagine what all that snow feels like. Haven't even gotten out the warm woolies yet. Hope you are staying warm. BUNDLE UP!
Your shitwagon looks like my trusty ol' Sentra. And that butt ugly Mercedes deserves to be buried to spare our precious eyesight.
Fab pics- if you hadn't gotten them when you did, well the streets were down to wet pavement by what- noon? :-)
Living around the corner from you, Prego, I sat here and noted when I went by/saw at least 80 percent of these photos in almost the exact same state.
Val and I never lost power, either, but across the street was out and we hosted my mother until early last night; she lost power in Depew.
But we didn't miss one day of taking Walker Evans on his walks.
So, did you guys also lose power for a few hours earlier tonight?
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